Digital Design Consulting LLC provides FPGA development services. Digital’s engineers bring several years of experience in FPGA design, verification, documentation, integration and lab debug to your project :
Video and Image processing, FIR & IIR filtering, resizers, mixers, format converters, interlacing, spatial transforms and video compression.
algorithms for video surveillance, periscopes, infrared night vision cameras.
medical image enhancement.
data acquisition with error detection and correction.
Xilinx (Virtex2, Virtex5, Virtex6, Virtex7, Spartan6, CoolRunner), Altera (Stratix2, Cyclone3, Stratix4-GX), Lattice
Experts in FPGA design, verification, modeling and debug tools (ISE, Quartus, ispLever, ChipScope, Tektronix TLA, FPGA Editor, VHDL, Verilog, System Verilog, ModelSim, MATLAB).
peripheral interfaces SDRAM, DDR1, DDR2, DDR3, LPDDR3, Flash, ADC, Camera Links.
Gigabit Ethernet, PCI/PCI-X/PCI Express.
Xilinx high speed serial interfaces RocketIO, Aurora.
Cost reduction by migrating designs to newer FPGA technologies, porting well tested algorithms from DSPs to FPGAs.
Fixed and floating point implementations.
Focus on first time correct designs
We take pride in our expertise, accuracy and agility, and have helped several customers bring their FPGA design projects to completion ahead of schedule.
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